Shari Sprague MPT, CCRT, DN-Cert, FP-MT, CCKTP
Shari is the owner and founder of PUP Rehab. She is a licensed physical therapist certified in canine rehabilitation. She practiced human physical therapy for nine years, specializing in orthopedic and sports rehabilitation. She graduated from the University of South Florida with a Bachelor of Arts in 1994 and received her Master of Science in physical therapy from Nova Southeastern University in 1998. Her love of animals, combined with physical issues with her own elderly dog, led her to change her career focus and apply her passion towards rehabilitating canines.

Jenny Krause RVT, CHPT
Jenny is our rehabilitation technician. She had an opportunity to change career paths as a small business owner to follow her passion of working with animals, and became a registered veterinary technician in 2012. She has worked alongside pets of all ages for years, but felt particularly drawn to assist aging senior pets, pets with disabilities, and to help pets bounce back from injury. In 2022, she earned the title of CHPT (Certified Hospice and Palliative Technician) through the International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative. Currently, she is drawing near to the completion of her CCAT (Certified Companion Animal Rehabilitation Therapist) at North Carolina State University. When not working, Jenny enjoys running and spending time with her husband, two young boys and spoiled senior Husky.

Kayla Hartlage
Kayla is the Office Administrator and Client Liaison for PUP Rehab. Kayla is a former elementary teacher who now enjoys teaching agility classes, trialing her dogs, and raising her children. She has been a dog lover her entire life and shares her home with a family of Australian Shepherds, her husband Adam, and their two sons Ellis and Micah. Kayla enjoys competing with her dogs in conformation, obedience, herding, and agility. Agility is her favorite pastime and the reason she is passionate about canine conditioning and therapy treatments.